Recent evolution of the Chinese family as revealed through the returns
of the last censuses shows a diminution in size coupled with a stabil
ity of the structures, with approximately one-quarter of the populatio
n living in the frame of three-generation households. Fluctuations in
size have been mainly induced by variations in the age distribution fo
llowing the process of the demographic transition. The article discuss
es the impact of various demographic parameters and attempts to demons
trate that family structures correspond to a life course characterized
, first, by the integration of many young couples, even after child-be
aring, within the home of the groom's family; and, second, by the nece
ssity to care for the elderly. In conclusion, this evolution is evalua
ted in the light of the current demographic as well as anthropological
literature. Does it correspond to the revival of old customs, especia
lly in the countryside, or are we confronted by the emergence of a new
model, the so-called ''feed-back'' model?