A 27 year old male patient was referred to our clinical unit because o
f marked elevation of serum bilirubin (up to 15.3 mg/dl), ASAT (563 U/
l) and ALAT (845 U/l) were detected after institution of therapy with
alpha interferon. The patient had been previously treated because of p
ersistent slight elevation of serum transaminases, serological markers
of hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus being both negative. Liver
histology was consistent with chronic active hepatitis. Antinuclear,
anti smooth muscle and antimitochondrial autoantibodies were all negat
ive, although anti smooth muscle antibodies became positive (1/40) aft
er interferon therapy. The drug was withdrawn, prednisone was institut
ed, and transaminases and bilirubin values returned to normality.