A. Stahel et al., EXCURSION AND SYMPOSIUM MINERALOGY AND IN DUSTRY - OCTOBER 3 4 AND 5,1994 ON OCCASION OF THE 174TH ANNUAL-MEETING OF THE SWISS-ACADEMY-OF-SCIENCES/, Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 75(3), 1995, pp. 455-465
The symposium ''Mineralogy and Industry'' was preceeded by a two-day e
xcursion. Several enterprises producing common building and ceramic ma
terials - concrete aggregate, Portland cement, brick, glassware - were
visited by a large group of mineralogically interested representative
s from industry and universities. It was demonstrated and discussed ho
w practical problems ranging from raw material extraction to emission
control can be treated to some extent by mineralogical methods, at lea
st if the term mineralogy is defined broadly enough, and if other disc
iplines are included. Further basic aspects of applied mineralogy were
studied at an exhibition of cores from drill holes made by Nagra (Nat
ionale Genossenschaft fur die Lagerung radioaktiver Abfalle) for testi
ng the suitability of rock formations underlying N-Switzerland as host
s for radioactive waste disposal. Oral contributions to the symposium
brought forward examples and case studies covering different fields of
applied mineralogy and petrology. The rock/water interaction studies
concerning the Wellenberg site in Central Switzerland - also considere
d for radioactive waste disposal - testify to an evolution that is goi
ng beyond the more traditional industrial applications of mineralogy.