Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is a recently developed, noninvas
ive vascular imaging technique. The authors of this investigation asse
ssed the diagnostic value of MRA, along with its influence on therapeu
tic decisions, in 11 patients with a variety of head and neck disorder
s. In 5 patients, MRA diagnosed or ruled out an intrinsic vascular les
ion. MRA was used to evaluate 5 of 8 patients with cancer for evidence
of direct tumor involvement of vascular structures. Other uses of MRA
included preoperative determination of tumor vascularity and delineat
ion of anatomic relationships between normal vessels and head and neck
pathology. Overall, MRA results guided management in 10 patients, and
in some cases it determined the extent of surgical intervention. Beca
use MRA is safer and more practical than traditional angiography, the
authors recommend more frequent use of this imaging technique in the p
ractice of head and neck surgery.