Objectives: To quantify eosinophilia in sinus tissues obtained from ch
ildren with chronic sinusitis and to correlate the degree of eosinophi
lia with history of asthma, allergy, cystic fibrosis, and preoperative
computed tomographic (CT) scans. Design: Examination of surgical spec
imens from children who underwent functional endoscopic sinus surgery
and controls. Setting: Tertiary care medical center. Patients: Thirty-
four children who underwent functional endoscopic sinus surgery for ch
ronic sinusitis refractory to medical treatment were divided into thre
e groups: 13 with asthma, 11 without asthma, and 10 with cystic fibros
is. Normal sphenoid sinus mucosa was also obtained from six adults und
ergoing transsphenoidal hypophysectomies. Main Outcome Measures: Numbe
r of lamina propria and intraepithelial eosinophils in surgical specim
ens, allergic status, presence or absence of asthma, and CT scans obta
ined preoperatively. Results: There were significantly more lamina pro
pria and intraepithelial eosinophils in the tissue of children with ch
ronic sinusitis compared with normal sphenoid sinus mucosa. More eosin
ophils were counted in the tissues of patients with asthma and cystic
fibrosis compared with patients without concomitant disease, but this
did not reach statistical significance. Allergy status did not affect
the degree of tissue eosinophilia. Eosinophilia did not correlate with
severity of mucosal disease as assessed by CT scans. Conclusions: Tis
sue eosinophilia is a characteristic histologic feature of chronic sin
usitis in children, especially those with asthma. The presence of alle
rgy does not predict tissue eosinophilia. Furthermore, the degree of t
issue eosinophilia does not correlate with the severity of mucosal thi
ckening seen on CT scans.