This paper examines three future scenarios for carbon emissions and se
questration in Mexican forests. The first is a Reference scenario that
incorporates low and high emission estimates derived from different a
ssumptions of deforestation rates in Mexico; the second is a Policy sc
enario that incorporates seven carbon mitigation options for reducing
future net car bon emissions from the forest sector; and the third is
a Technical Potential scenario that shows the maximum technically-feas
ible carbon sequestration achievable in Mexican forests by the year 20
30. A consistent method for estimating the net unit carbon sequestrati
on associated with different carbon mitigation options in the forest s
ector provides the basis for estimating the carbon implications of the
different scenarios. The study suggests that cumulative carbon seques
tration ranges from 2.2 to 4.4 gigatons of cal bon (GtonC) by the year
2030, depending on the scenario. Realizing this carbon sequestration
potential could significantly offset emissions from the energy sector.
Management of native temperate and tropical forests, and restoration
of degraded forest lands, particularly when linked to energy plantatio
ns, offer the most promising alternatives for carbon sequestration.