In this paper, two new topologies tau(1)', tau(2)' on R(L) are constru
cted. Using tau(i)', we produced two L-fuzzy topologies eta(i)' on R(L
) other than the L-fuzzy topology T introduced by Hutton. We have prov
ed that eta(1)' is finer than eta(2)' and eta(2)' is finer than T. eta
(2)' is the coarsest among the induced L-fuzzy topologies which are fi
ner than T. We have shown that (L(R(L)), eta(i)), the induced space of
(R(L), eta(i)), possesses many good properties, such as stronger separ
ation, suitability, etc. We proved that closed interval ([a, b](L), et
a(2)\[a, b](L)) is closed, connected and N-compact. The addition and m
ultiplication defined on R(L) by Rodabaugh, are still jointly continuo