PURPOSE: To heighten awareness of colonic tuberculosis (TB) as a once
rare disease that is undergoing a resurgence in the United States. MET
HODS: Report of a case of isolated sigmoid tuberculosis with a brief l
iterature review of the topic. RESULTS: TB can no longer be considered
a rare disease in the United States because, in part, of the acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome epidemic and because, in part, of increased
immigration and lack of containment. The signs and symptoms of coloni
c TB are nonspecific; therefore, a high index of suspicion must be mai
ntained. Only 20 percent of patients will have associated active pulmo
nary TB. Colonoscopy with multiple biopsies at ulcer margins should be
performed for diagnosis. Tissue should be sent for routine histology
and culture and smeared for direct visualization of acid-fast bacilli.
If colonic TB is suspected, empiric treatment is warranted, despite n
egative histology, smear, and culture results. Patients will usually s
how a dramatic response in one to two weeks. Treatment is solely medic
al, and all patients should receive a full course of antituberculous c
hemotherapy. Exploratory laparotomy is necessary if diagnosis is in do
ubt, when there is concern about a neoplasm, or for complications incl
uding perforation, obstruction, hemorrhage, or fistulization. CONCLUSI
ON: An increased awareness of intestinal TB coupled with familiarity o
f the pathophysiology, diagnostic methods, and treatment should increa
se the number of cases correctly diagnosed preoperatively and, therefo
re, improve the outcome of patients with this disease.