The malic dehydrogenase (MDH) isoenzymatic pattern of Dictyocaulus viv
iparus, Protostrongylus rufescens, and Slovakian and Spanish isolates
of D. filaria was studied. The MDH isoenzymatic pattern in both isolat
es of D. filaria was characterized by the presence of three phenotypes
: (1) a single, slow anodic band; (2) a single, fast anodic band; and
(3) a large spot matching its migration with bands 1 and 2. These thre
e phenotypes may be explained as the existence of only one gene locus
for the MDH in D. filaria. Allelic frequencies and the Hardy-Weinberg
test were determined for Slovakian and Spanish isolates of D. filaria.
This test indicated that the population was not in Hardy-Weinberg equ
ilibrium. The MDH isoenzymatic pattern of D. viviparus displayed the s
ame phenotypes 1 and 2 observed in D. filaria. Furthermore, the MDH is
oenzymatic pattern of P. rufescens was characterized by the presence o
f two bands with anodic and cathodic migration. The isoenzyme with ano
dic migration appeared more intensively stained than did that with cat
hodic migration. This last isoenzyme was not observed when the samples
had been stored for 1 month.