Quantification of the dialysis dose and assessment of nutritional stat
us and response to nutritional therapy have become standard parts of t
he management of the chronic dialysis patient, Although advances in th
ese areas have led to a more rational basis for therapy, certain misco
nceptions and points of confusion appear to have occurred. Recognizing
the importance of a standard nomenclature to the development of conce
pts and the communication of research findings, we have attempted to c
ompile a list of terms that are commonly used in the field of dialysis
, New terms have been proposed for current ones that do not seem adequ
ate, In addition, we have discussed potential methodologies for obtain
ing more accurate data for dialysis kinetics and for precise monitorin
g of nutritional intake and status, It is hoped that this glossary wil
l stimulate discussion that will lead to refinements in terminology an
d concepts that will, in turn, improve research and practice in nephro
logy, It is anticipated that many of these definitions and recommendat
ions will be modified or superseded as the management of patients with
renal failure continues to advance. (C) 1995 by the National Kidney F
oundation, Inc.