The interaction between a chalcogenide semiconductor surface and a spe
cific chelating ligand was studied by a number of complementary spectr
oscopic methods (UV/VIS, FTIR, XPS). FTIR suggests that the chelating
ligand (diphenyl hydroxamic acid) complexes an In3+ ion in CuInSe2, an
d a Cd2+ ion in CdTe, accompanied by the loss of a proton. Contact pot
ential measurements showed that the adsorbed ligand changes the semico
nductor electron affinity without significantly influencing the band b
ending. On the basis of these and other results, we suggest that the m
olecular dipole of the chelating ligand is responsible for the change
in surface potential. Because this dipole can be modified without chan
ging the ligand's binding group, this finding opens the way to control
surface potential by varying the dipole moment of the adsorbed ligand
without changing the binding functional group.