Subduction zones represent avenues of recycling of Crustal, atmospheri
c and oceanic (including organic) components to the mantle; metamorphi
sm in the forearc and subarc regions of subduction zones likely dictat
es the extent to which elements are retained in subducted rocks into t
he deep mantle or participate in shallower fluid- and melt-related pro
cesses (are magmatism, production of forearc serpentinite mud volcanoe
s, seafloor trench fluid venting). Knowledge of the impact of subducti
on-zone metamorphism on the compositions of subducting sediment and oc
eanic lithosphere may yield significant insight into the processes lea
ding to are magmatism and mantle chemical heterogeneity. Devolatilizat
ion processes in the Catalina Schist subduction-zone metamorphic terra
ne (California) resulted in the release of volatiles from metamafic an
d metasedimentary rocks and the large-scale transport of H2O-rich C-O-
H-S-N fluids with relatively uniform O- and H-isotope compositions. In
the metasedimentary rocks of the Catalina Schist, the concentrations
of elements such as B, N, Cs, As, Sb and possibly U (and the ratios of
the concentrations of these elements to the concentrations of less fl
uid-mobile elements such as the HFSE and REE), the B/Be ratios, and th
e H2O contents were decreased by progressive devolatilization. The Rb/
Cs and C-reduced/N ratios, delta(15)N, and delta(13)C of the Catalina
Schist metasedimentary rocks were increased during the high-P/T metamo
rphism. Metabasaltic rocks, despite their metamorphism at up to amphib
olite-facies P-T conditions and resultant dramatic loss of H2O, preser
ve major and trace element and isotopic compositions similar to those
of hydrothermally altered seafloor basalts (e.g., enrichments in B, K,
Rb, Ba, and Cs, decreases in K/Rb and K/Cs, elevated delta(18)O and S
r-87/Sr-86(i) relative to unaltered MORB). Metamorphism along the fore
arc slab-mantle interface may prevent the deep subduction of many subd
ucted volatile components (e.g., H2O, Cs, B, N, perhaps As, Sb, and U)
and result in their transport in fluids toward shallower reservoirs (
e.g., seafloor, forearc mantle wedge). The removal, by devolatilizatio
n, and up-dip transport of such components toward the seafloor or into
the forearc mantle wedge, could in part explain the imbalances betwee
n the estimated amounts of subducted volatiles (e.g., H2O, B, N) and t
he amounts returned via are magmatism. The results of this study demon
strate that subduction can deliver, to various parts of the mantle (e.
g., the forearc mantle wedge, the subarc mantle wedge, and deeper part
s of the mantle), C-OH-S-N fluids, melts, and residual mineral reservo
irs strongly fractionated isotopically and chemically relative to init
ial compositions of the subducted rocks. Some compatibilities between
the rock compositions and inferred fluid compositions for the Catalina
Schist and the isotopic and trace element compositions of various man
tle-derived materials (igneous rocks and xenoliths) indicate the excit
ing potential to trace the large-scale transfer of these fractionated
chemical signatures.