Large myelinated fibres in the rat inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) exhib
it age-related aberrations partly similar to alterations in target-dep
rived nerves. Shortly after entering the mandibular canal the rat IAN
splits into a mental(MN) and an inferior dental (IDN) portion. This of
fers a possibility to compare the occurrence of age-related aberration
s in the MN and the IDN, which project to different target types. Henc
e, we examined the relation between internodal length (L) and fibre di
ameter (D) in teased fibre preparations of MNs and IDNs from adult rat
s of different ages. The results show that the relation L/D is similar
in MNs and IDNs of 6- to 24-month-old rats and that it is significant
ly more irregular in IDNs than in MNs of 26- to 30-month-oldrats. This
difference may be related to the fact that the IDN-innervated mandibu
lar dentition is deteriorating in rats older than 2 years, whereas the
muco-cutaneous target of the MN is not. We suggest that target deteri
oration may be one major factor behind the increasing incidence of str
uctural aberrations in large myelinated peripheral nerve fibres.