Immunocytochemical localization of a stimulatory GTP-binding protein G
(s) in the organ of Corti in the inner ear was examined with a post-em
bedding immunogold technique, using antibodies raised against a synthe
tic decapeptide (RIMHLRQYELL) of the C-terminus of the a subunit of G(
s). Immunoreactivity was strong on the membranes of supporting cells i
n the reticular lamina, including inner and outer pillar cells and the
phalangeal process of Deiters' cells. Immunolabeling also was seen on
the membranes of cell bodies of those cells which surround nerve fibe
rs, basilar fibers, outer spiral fibers and afferent nerve endings at
outer hair cells. Gold particles also labeled the membrane of inner ph
alangeal cells and border cells. In contrast, outer and inner hair cel
ls were not labeled. Possible roles of G(s) in the organ of Corti are