With the introduction of 24 h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring int
o clinical practice a vast market for ambulatory blood pressure monito
ring devices has been created. To satisfy this market manufacturers ar
e producing an array of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring devices.
There is no obligation on manufacturers to have such devices validated
independently, even though two national protocols, one from the Briti
sh Hypertension Society (BHS) and the other from the Association for t
he Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI), call for independent
validation and state the means of doing so. However, many factors can
influence the validation procedure. They include compliance to the pr
otocol being employed; the accuracy of the standard; establishing prec
isely the model being validated; the influences of blood pressure leve
l, age and exercise on device accuracy; the provisions necessary for s
pecial populations, such as pregnant women, the elderly and children;
the influence of oscillometric versus Korotkoff sound detection and el
ectrocardiographic gating on comparative measurements; the assessment
of performance as distinct from accuracy; and the relevance of general
factors, such as the algorithm being employed and computer compatibil
ity. Forty-three ambulatory blood pressure monitoring devices have bee
n marketed for ambulatory blood pressure measurement and of those only
18 have been validated according to either the BHS or the AAMI protoc
ol. The influence of the factors listed above on the validation studie
s of those devices will be considered and the relevance of validation
procedures to the clinical use of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
devices will be discussed.