Waste facility siting successes depend on many linked factors of facil
ity design and impacts, site characteristics, and community beliefs an
d values. A facility siting framework is constructed to combine import
ant elements and cause-effect linkages that affect the siting outcome.
The framework consists of three main components: (1) core elements of
facility design, effects, and community beliefs, attitude and respons
e; (2) contributing factors of site and community characteristics, com
munity beliefs and values that affect the interpretation of the facili
ty and its effects; and (3) siting management interventions to manage
the process and facility impacts, The framework is applied in an unsuc
cessful and a successful siting case to determine the key elements tha
t contribute to siting outcome: (1) thorough need justification for th
e facility from the proponent's and the community's perspective; (2) c
areful facility design and prediction of the impacts and to select imp
act management compensation measures; (3) screening and selection of c
ommunities where the beliefs and values are compatible with the type o
f facility and its effects, (4) cooperatively selected impact reductio
n (i.e., prevention, control, and mitigation) measures followed by com
pensation and incentives; and (5) intensive process management to bala
nce the community characteristics and values with the proponent's effo
rts to plan, design, assess and manage impacts, and ultimately, gain a
pproval of the facility. The siting framework provides a comprehensive
and robust structure of key factors that contribute to siting outcome
and, therefore, provides the tool to identify, evaluate, and design s
iting interventions to enhance the chances of successful siting outcom