This discussion paper raises questions about women's politics in terms
of women organizing around key issues in Europe' today. How to determ
ine where 'Europe' is historically, culturally, politically is itself
being problematized. Three issues: differences and similarities in Eur
opean women's politics, women's identities and racism, and the 'new' E
urope are considered. Different emphases and analyses are being create
d within Europe, and women in former' state socialist' countries are h
ighlighting some misconceptions in terms of their own lived realities.
Without exception racism is rising across all areas, including the in
tegrating 12 members of the EC and the dis/integrating central and eas
tern European countries. In conclusion, aspects of coalition politics
and dealing with conflict are considered. Women's resistance to racism
and celebration of the strength of difference amongst women internati
onally is viewed as vital in making our voices heard.