Propionic acid and its salts are widely used in industry and especiall
y in the food industry as antifungal agents. The estimated world produ
ction in 1992 was about 100 000 tonnes. A large part of this productio
n is by petrochemical routes. Nevertheless, fermentation processes hav
e been described since 1923. The increasing consumer demand for biolog
ical products and the more efficient performance of new fermentation p
rocesses have revived researcher and industrial interest for a new inv
estigation of biological propionic acid production. From the low produ
ctivity of batch processes (0.03 gl(-1) h(-1)), performance has rapidl
y increased to 2 to 14 gl(-1) h(-1). This increase results from the em
ergence of high density cell bioreactor technology. These bioreactors
make it possible to concentrate large amounts of cells within the syst
em during continuous fermentation and to reduce the cell inhibition ef
fect of organic acid accumulation in the medium. Moreover, the use of
glycerol as the principal carbon source enables propionic acid to be p
roduced without acetic acid. The increased efficiency of membrane proc
esses, such as electro-electrodialysis and electrodialysis with bipola
r membrane, has considerably facilitated the recovery and purification
steps from fermented media. The increased fermentation volumetric pro
ductivity and downstream processing performance has led to an economic
industrial biological propionic acid production.