How much, if any, does smoking contribute to absenteeism? Separate sam
ples of employed men and women are drawn front the 1986 wave of the Pa
nel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) to answer this question. The 1986
wave is the most recent one with information on smoking. In the first
analysis, single equation Tobit regressions are run explaining the abs
ence rate. Independent variables include a binary smoking variable tog
ether with others for age, race, marital status, and so on. In the sin
gle equation models, smoking appeared to raise absence rates by 42 and
232 percent for women and men, respectively. In the second analysis,
decomposition techniques, which also adjust for smoking and employment
hazard rates, are applied to four separate samples of smokers, non-sm
okers, men, and women. The decomposition techniques lowered these diff
erentials. Smoking appears to make a moderate contribution to absentee
ism for men, but only a slight contribution for women. The decompositi
on suggests that it is the observed and unobserved personal characteri
stics of female smokers that account for most of the simple positive c
orrelations between absenteeism and smoking among women found in the s
ingle equation models.