We reviewed 14 patients with clinically confirmed Guillain-Barre syndr
ome for swallowing dysfunction, All had swallowing dysfunction varying
from mild to severe. Six patients (43%) had equivalent impairment dur
ing oral and pharyngeal phases, Seven patients (50%) had more severe f
unctional abnormalities during the pharyngeal phase than during the or
al phase. One patient (7%) had moderate disorder during the oral phase
and mild disorder during the pharyngeal phase, Thirty-six percent of
the patients had moderate-to-severe dysfunction during the oral phase,
and 71% had moderate-to-severe dysfunction during the pharyngeal phas
e. In 5 patients who had multiple sequential examinations, moderate or
severe swallowing disorders improved to mild-to-moderate disorders wi
thin 4-8 weeks after the onset of the symptoms, Residual swallowing di
sorders may be seen in those who had severe swallowing dysfunction dur
ing the later phases of their disease, Further investigations are need
ed to determine if swallowing abnormalities persist after complete rec
overy from Guillain-Barre syndrome.