This article examines the similarities between notions about the natur
e of reality held by some Christian mystics (Thomas Merton and the aut
hor of The Cloud of Unknowing) and those proposed by physicists David
Bohm and Henry Margenau. My aim is to consider how the implications of
certain metaphysical interpretations of modern physics may: (1) hold
similarities with Christian mystical notions about reality, and (2) be
important for guiding future research in ethics. I further look into
the traditional approaches to ethical theory that come out of the foun
dationalist, relativist, and skeptical realist camps and argue that wh
ile skeptical realists such as Timothy Jackson are moving in the right
direction, further consideration of what is meant by reality is neces
sary if we are to traverse the gap between foundationalists and relati
vists. It is here that Christian ethicists in particular have the oppo
rtunity to pick up the metaphysical batons carried by physicists like
Margenau and Bohm and mystics like Merton and the author of The Cloud
and begin investigating the possibility that ethical theory can be app
roached from a nondualistic perspective.