The Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO) simulated by the Canadian Climate
Centre general circulation model (CCC GCM) is identified by a principa
l oscillation pattern (POP) analysis and compared with that observed i
n the real atmosphere. The results are based upon two integrations of
the CCC GCM, one with a parameterization of penetrative cumulus convec
tion (EXP1) and the other with a moist convective adjustment scheme (E
XP2). The signal of MJO can be detected in both integrations as the fi
rst POP of the 200 hPa velocity potential along the equator. The distu
rbances show a distinctive wave number one structure with the stronges
t local amplitude found in the longitudes corresponding to the region
of the Asian monsoon. The phase speed of the eastward wave propagation
is higher in the eastern Pacific and lower in the monsoon region wher
e the convective activities are strongest. These features are in good
agreement with the observations. The energy spectrum of the velocity p
otential peaks at the frequency corresponding to a period of about 38
days for EXP1, which is somewhat shorter compared to the observed peri
ods of 40-50 days. On the other hand, two spectral peaks can be clearl
y identified for EXP2, one with a period of 24 days and the other with
a much longer period, somewhere near 112 days. Both peaks appear stat
istically significant at 95% level. Long term data of the observed atm
osphere show little indication of such spectral separation. The horizo
ntal patterns identified by the POP analysis resemble to some extent t
he baroclinic response of tropical flow to a heat source travelling wi
th the speed of MJO. At the upper level, Rossby wave energy propagates
westward with winds generally following the height contours, whereas
Kelvin wave energy propagates to the east from the heat source with st
rong cross-contour flow near the equator. At the lower level, the patt
erns are essentially reversed. The model-generated precipitation and d
iabatic heating are examined by compositing against the moving MJO. It
is found in EXP2 that the composite heating distribution is coherent
with the flow pattern only in a certain sector of the equator, dependi
ng on whether the fast or slow mode is used to determine the reference
point. The composite vertical heating profile of a slower mode tends
to have a maximum found at a lower level. The sensitivity of simulated
MJO to the cumulus convection scheme in the model is discussed.