Possible etiologies of tumor recurrence in testis cancer patients afte
r inguinal orchiectomy and retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy (tumor stag
e according to WHO 1987: pT(1) N-0 M(0)) include recurrent germ cell t
umor and other primary neoplasms involving retroperitoneal and intra-a
bdominal structures. The differential diagnosis of recurrent abdominal
tumors in the testis cancer patient must be extended to include desmo
id tumors. We present a patient who underwent orchiectomy and retroper
itoneal lymphadenectomy with a pathological diagnosis of embryonal car
cinoma in the resected tumor Subsequently, an abdominal tumor localize
d in the musculus rectus abdominis recurred after more than two years
of uneventful follow-up and resection revealed desmoid.