When the dualist refers to a neural and a mental domain, s/he refers t
o artefacts caught with the net of 'cause-and-effect'! The brain/mind
is both observer and observed - and in the same vein - both the neural
and the mental are but complementary facets of a perceiving-cognizing
unction : neither being cause or effect of the other. The micro-cosmo
s of the quantum mechanical, that is, the neural facet involves statel
ess transitions or ''beingless becomings'' (Finkelstein, 1993), while
the mental facet is - with the assistance of voluntary motor acts - in
volved in the construction of a macro reality that we have in mind. Th
rough the collapse of the brain/mind's quantum wave function. consciou
sness divides itself into observer and observed or, to put it differen
tly, the child initially experiences the world inside and only gradual
ly learns of another world out there' by touch. Such division into obs
erver and observed is a feature of a consciousness that unfolds at mod
erate-to-low levels of central arousal. When, however, the arousal is
rising on the perception-hallucination continuum (Fischer, 1971), the
ability to verify intense sensations through voluntary motor acts is b
locked, and the contraction of nearby visual space is accompanied by a
fusion of observer and observed A complete fusion is achieved at the
highest level of hyperarousal in an ecstatic state of consciousness. A
n experimental verification of the contraction of nearby (Euclidean) s
pace is reported : under 160 mu g/kg psilocybin-induced central arousa
l, involving 16 volunteers with a mean age of 23,5 years.