Dissolved organic carbon (DOG) in sea water from Georges Bank was meas
ured by a high temperature combustion/direct injection (HTC/DI) techni
que during the spring bloom period in April 1993. Concentrations in su
rface waters (72-85 mu M) and deep waters (54-56 mu M) were similar to
DOC concentrations measured in the oligotrophic north-west Atlantic O
cean by a number of other investigators by various techniques. Althoug
h surface values for Chl-alpha concentrations ranged from 2 to 5 mu g
l(-1), NO3- ranged from 3 to 9 mu M and particulate organic carbon (PO
C) concentrations ranged from 1.0 to 10 mu M, DOC concentrations only
varied by <18%. DOC was slightly higher (similar to 5 mu M) in the hig
hly productive central bank region than in surrounding stratified surf
ace waters. Relatively constant stable carbon isotopes ((DOC)-C-13 = -
22.0 +/- 0.5 parts per thousand) could not be used to identify a sourc
e for these small variations. Slight decreases of DOC (5-12 mu M) and
dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) (0.5-1.0 mu M) in filtered sea water
kept in the dark was observed over six months, suggesting the presence
of a small, labile pool of dissolved organic matter in addition to a
large, more refractory reservoir of DOC (similar to 70 mu M) during th
e spring bloom period on Georges Bank.