The present study aimed to establish criteria for delayed recovery aft
er whiplash injury using a 1-year prospective cohort study. 117 whipla
sh patients referred from primary care and 16 whiplash patients recrui
ted from the insurance company. At baseline all patients underwent neu
rological, radiological and psychosocial factors assessment and testin
g of personality traits, wellbeing, cognitive ability and cognitive fu
nctioning. According to the logistic regression in patients referred f
rom primary care the following initial variables are in significant re
lationship with poor outcome at 1 year: impaired neck movement, histor
y of pretraumatic headache, history of head trauma, higher age, initia
l neck pain intensity, initial headache intensity, nervousness score,
neuroticism score and test score on focused attention. Employing these
variables, correct prediction of outcome at 1 year was found in 88% o
f patients recruited from the insurance company. Authors conclude that
a comprehensive assessment of whiplash patients early after trauma en
ables physicians to identify patients at risk of delayed recovery.