Using a notion of mobile objects, we propose a framework for implement
ation of computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) systems that unifies
previous disparate approaches to building these systems. We model manu
facturing as a network of machines and assign a computer workstation c
alled server to each machine, The information processing requirements
of a production order or a lot are encapsulated in an object that migr
ates between the servers after completion of an appropriate service. A
n event and rule based implementation and a layered approach allows de
sign of CIM systems that can be easily reconfigured in response to cha
nges in products or processes. Moreover, the architecture is compatibl
e with distributed systems used in product design. The traditional hie
rarchical and distributed control architectures are shown to be specia
l cases of the proposed architecture. Finally, an implementation using
next-generation database management systems is proposed. (C) 1996 Joh
n Wiley & Sons, Inc.