Ascidian test cells co-differentiate on the surface of each ovarian oo
cyte beneath the vitelline coat. They become vacuolated and later occu
py the perivitelline compartment of each egg and embryo. In some speci
es, their vacuoles contain submicroscopic granules or filaments called
'ornaments' and acidic glycosaminoglycans. These test cells deposit t
heir products on the surface of the larval tunic in late embryogenesis
. In these species, the test cells are lost at hatching. In other spec
ies, the test cell vacuoles contain acidic glycosaminoglycans, but no
ornaments. In these species, the test cells attach to the larval tunic
and probably secrete acidic glycosaminoglycans. We deprived the embry
os of seven species of ascidians of their test cells and vitelline coa
ts during mid-embryogenesis. After completing their development, the l
arvae of both kinds of species were hydrophobic. They easily become tr
apped on the surface of sea water in cultures. Normal larvae (controls
), bearing rest cell secretions, are hydrophilic and never become trap
ped. We infer that negatively charged secretions of the test cells mak
e normal larvae hydrophilic. Some molgulids with direct development ha
ve no test cells, no fins and no swimming larva. We reason that the te
st cells of these species may have been lost during evolution because
they no longer had an important role in preventing hydrophobicity.