Membership of the EU has changed the economic conditions under which A
ustria's farmers must operate. EU market rules and lower prices now ap
ply to many agricultural products, and the Austrian Environmental Prog
ramme for Agriculture (OPUL) has also been redesigned. Accordingly, fa
rmers in Austria are faced by a number of new decisions. This paper ad
dresses the following questions through the use of model calculations:
1 What influence does the participation in OPUL have on farm holdings
? 2. Based on economic considerations, should a farmer choose the gene
ral or simplified scheme for EU compensatory payments for cereals, pro
tein crops and oilseeds? 3. What influence do the national (degressive
) compensatory payments from 1995 to 1998 have on the optimal use of a
rable land of farm holdings? Linear programming techniques are applied
within the calculations. The sum of individual crop gross margins acr
oss a holding is maximised for each of a range of initial conditions.
These conditions vary according to participation/non-participation in
OPUL, the available arable hectarage and its suitability for different
crops, crop yields, and inclusion/non-inclusion of national compensat
ory payments in 1996. The results show that participation in OPUL does
have financial advantages for a holding. The specifications included
within OPUL also influence the optimal use of arable land on the holdi
ng. The greatest influence is recognized on those holdings featuring o
nly those crops which qualify for compensatory payments. As the use of
crops not qualifying for such payments rises, the implications of par
ticipation in OPUL become less important. No clear conclusions can be
drawn regarding the choice between the general and simplified compensa
tory payment schemes. This is closely dependent on the particular crop
choices and associated yields on any individual holding. The optimal
use of arable land is influenced by,national compensatory payments, wh
ich are to be paid between 1995 and 1998 on cereals, protein crops and
oilseeds, just to a small extent.