Riphean stratigraphy, which was born 50 years ago when this stratigrap
hic subdivision was discriminated by using data of comparative tectoni
cs (historical geology), now utilizes a series of the methods applied
in biostratigraphy, isotopic geochronology, chemostratigraphy, paleocl
imatology, and paleomagnetic studies. This paper considers the methodi
c possibilities of four indicated scientific branches for solving chro
nostratigraphic problems of the Riphean. It also presents a synopsis o
f data on taxonomic changes in the microfossil and stromatolite assemb
lages, and on large-scale variations in the C- and Sr-isotope composit
ion of carbonate rocks depicting unique features of successive interva
ls of the Late Precambrian, each decreasing upward in duration in the
section. Specific bio- and chemostratigraphic characteristics of three
Riphean erathems and their subdivisions, in combination with data of
isotopic geochronology and climatostratigraphy, not only provide the p
ossibility to distinguish and correlate these subdivisions in remote r
egions, but also create a real and promising perspective to identify t
hem as chronostratigraphic units (to formally determine their lower bo
undary) by using a paleontological and chemostratigraphic framework.