Corrosion of pipelines is commonplace in many industries. Methods exis
t that can be used to calculate the overall integrity of damaged pipin
g if the depth and configuration of the corroded areas are known((1)).
By determining the depth and dimenston of pitting, and knowing the de
sign parameters of a given system, one can calculate the maximum press
ure that a corroded pipe can contain. Severe localised corrosion in mu
ltiphase oil transportation piping within major Alaskan oil fields led
to development of extensive programmes that have been used for over a
decade to inspect hundreds of miles of piping to locate pitting and d
etermine the integrity of corroded lines. The initial programmes devel
oped in the first year of piping inspection utilised ultrasonic wall t
hickness testing. Ultrasonic testing can generally be performed even i
f only one surface of the component is accessible; however stripping o
f the insulation is required where this type of inspection is used. Th
erefore, the ultrasonic inspection was slow, restricted to short secti
ons of piping, and costly. A less expensive alternative was developed
using manual radiography. This eliminated the need to remove insulatio
n yet it was still slow and so only short sections of pipe could be ex
amined Although extreme value statistics indicated that inspection of
short sections of pipe would locate the most severe pitting with a hig
h probability, this proved nos to be the case. To assure that the most
severe area of pitting was located and the integrity of the corroded
piping accurately determined a technique was needed that could be used
to examine economically long sections of piping. This need provided t
he impetus to develop real-time radioscopy as a field tool. In the ear
ly 1980s, stationary real-time radioscopic units were available, but t
ranslating these systems into one that could function reliably in the
harsh field environment encountered in northern Alaska took a number o
f years. A working real-time radioscopic system began field inspection
of piping in 1987. Over the past eight years, over 1,750,000 feet (53
3 km) of piping have been inspected with this technique, and continuin
g evolution has produced dependable, versatile equipment. These develo
pments and the future capabilities of the real-time radioscopic inspec
tion system are discussed.