functions of neutrophils, we studied the influence of nicotine on thes
e cells in vitro, looking at their bactericidal activity against oral
pathogens, and at their ability to produce microbicidal reactive oxyge
n species (oxygen radicals). Exposure of human blood neutrophils to ni
cotine (0.01% to 0.1%) inhibited their ability to kill Actinomyces nae
slundii, Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, and Fusobacterium nucle
atum. Although these concentrations of nicotine are high, such concent
rations are relevant to phagocytes in the gingival sulcus, because smo
keless tobacco contains 0.5% to 3.5% nicotine by dry weight. Nicotine
had no such inhibitory effect when the killing assay was performed in
an anaerobic environment, implying that nicotine preferentially affect
ed oxygen-dependent killing mechanisms. To further investigate the eff
ects of nicotine on production of oxygen radicals, neutrophils were pr
imed with lipopolysaccharide and triggered with f-met-leu-phe or phorb
ol ester in the presence of nicotine. Nicotine inhibited production of
superoxide anion (measured by reduction of cytochrome c) and hydrogen
peroxide (measured by oxidation of phenol red). Nicotine inhibition o
f superoxide production was reversible by washing away the nicotine. B
y observing that nicotine inhibited the reduction of cytochrome c by r
eagent potassium superoxide, we determined that nicotine directly abso
rbed superoxide. In addition, by examining nicotine inhibition of the
uptake of oxygen by neutrophils, we determined that nicotine also inte
rfered with the production of oxygen radicals by these cells. Nicotine
also inhibited production of superoxide and interleukin-1 beta by mon
ocytes. Nicotine did not affect the viability of neutrophils and monoc
ytes, as determined by their ability to exclude trypan blue dye. Inhib
ition of the aerobic antimicrobial funct ions of neutrophils and monoc
ytes by nicotine may alter the microbial ecology of the oral cavity, a
nd this might be one mechanism by which nicotine compromises the oral
health of users of tobacco products.