A 22-year old male patient developed - following a short phase of mona
rthritis - the symptoms of a symmetric, polysynoviatic, discrete erosi
ve rheumatoid arthritis, thus fulfilling five of seven ACR criteria. I
nitially as well as persisting during the course of the disease the pa
lpable swelling of synovitis showed a coarse character. The radiologic
al progression at the hands during an interval of eight years being on
ly minimal the loss of functions, up to contraction of joints (left hi
p) augmented considerably during that time. Neither rheumatoid factor
or antinuclear antibodies nor evident eosinophilia or hypergammaglobul
inaemia could be proved or verified. In 1994 muscle biopsy led to the
diagnosis ''fasciitis with low-graded eosinophilia''. Anamnestic, clin
ical and radiological signs and data as well as the course of the dise
ase and assessing of differential diagnoses are presented and discusse