We have used a novel cell marker, in which the twist promoter directs
the synthesis of the cell surface protein CD2 (twi-CD2) to examine the
development of the mesoderm in the Drosophila embryo after gastrulati
on and to locate the progenitor cell populations for different mesoder
mal derivatives. We find that the early mesoderm in each segment is di
vided into a more anterior region with relatively low levels of twist
and twi-CD2 expression and a more posterior region where twist and twi
-CD2 expression are high. This subdivision coincides with regional ass
ignments of cells to form different progenitors: dorsal anterior cells
invaginate to form an internal layer from which the visceral mesoderm
is derived. Ventral anterior cells form progenitors of mesodermal gli
al cells. Dorsal posterior cells form heart. Ventral and dorsal poster
ior cells form somatic muscles. We conclude that the metamerically rep
eated anterior-posterior subdivision of the mesoderm is an essential e
lement in laying out the pattern of mesodermal progenitor cells and in
distinguishing between an internal cell layer which will give rise to
the progenitors of visceral muscles and an external layer which will
generate the somatic muscles and the heart.