The objective of the present study was to evaluate emotional disturban
ces and psychopathological symptoms in early stages of human immunodef
iciency virus (HIV) infection. Seventy-one homosexual subjects, positi
ve to HIV and two groups of HIV-negative subjects (32 homosexuals and
26 heterosexuals) were evaluated in a semi-structured interview by two
trained raters. The results showed the presence of emotional perturba
tions already in asymptomatic HIV-positive individuals even in the abs
ence of caracterized depression and/or anxiety. This emotional deficit
seemed to be more important in more advanced stages of the disease. D
epressive and anxious symptoms appeared to be slightly but significant
ly present in both groups of homosexual men. This emotional deficit co
uld be the reflect of an adaptative process to the threatening consequ
ences of HIV-infection. Emotional perturbations, even mild should not
be neglected, because their reduction contributes to the psychological
well being of HIV-positive subjects.