The clinical features and symptoms of postpartum psychoses are present
ed in relation to the classification according to the Research Diagnos
tic Criteria (RDC) and the concept of ''puerperal psychosis''. A numbe
r of symptoms, ie confusional symptoms, depersonalization, misrecognit
ions and the ''kaleidoscopic'' picture are shown to be prominent featu
res. In schizoaffective disorder and unspecified functional psychosis
a higher frequency of confusional symptoms, misrecognitions, thematic
delusions and a ''kaleidoscopic'' course of illness was found compared
to schizophrenia, mania or depression. The findings of this study sup
port a special status for postpartum psychosis and suggest a link with
the concept of cycloid psychosis. In the management of postpartum men
tal disorder the risk of child-directed aggression, suicide and sudden
relapses into psychosis requires special attention.