Hr. Kohler et al., CELLULAR HEPATOPANCREATIC REACTIONS IN PORCELLIO SCABER (ISOPODA) AS BIOMARKERS FOR THE EVALUATION OF HEAVY-METAL TOXICITY IN SOILS, Agriculture, ecosystems & environment. Applied soil ecology, 3(1), 1996, pp. 1-15
Following three weeks exposure to the heavy metals Cd, Pb or Zn from a
contaminated substrate/food the accumulation of these elements in the
body of the woodlouse, Porcellio scaber was measured. In both cell ty
pes of the hepatopancreas of this isopod species, heavy metal exposure
led to ultrastructural alterations, the degree of which was found to
be dose-dependent. Low metal concentrations caused reactions of distin
ct organelles, whilst comparably higher concentrations resulted in pat
hological changes in the epithelium of the hepatopancreas. Most probab
ly, the adverse effect of high metal concentrations on the apical cell
membrane resulting in a diminished absorption of nutrients together w
ith the induction of metal detoxification processes are the reasons fo
r a general energy deficiency which is mirrored by various symptoms of
starvation in the hepatopancreatic tissue. The observed effects could
be used as biomarkers for an assessment of the adverse impact of subc
hronic heavy metal exposure.