In our theoretical model of alcohol neuropsychological structure (ANPS
) we are trying to reveal a possible mechanism in the occurrence and d
evelopment of alcohol dependence. A system approach allows us to abstr
act from concrete biochemical and neurophysiological deviations and ac
cept these as facts associated with ebriety. We are basing all this on
the existence of two-phase states of the neuropsychological system: r
ecidivity and short term abstinence in alcoholics with repeated recidi
vities. We presume that the repetition of the recidivity - remission c
ycle increases vulnerability and readiness of the neuropsychological s
ystem toward phasic transitions. Therefore, the transition into intoxi
cation is sudden, bounce-like, with an immediate onset of the ANPS com
plex. On the other hand, the revitalization of the neuropsychological
system is slow and stage-like, with personal neuropsychological charac