The development of the Central Atlantic is well known, for the periods
that follow the initiation of the oceanic accretion, dated around 175
Ma. However, the preceeding stages of its development remain less stu
died. They are considered here in the conjugate margins of the ocean.
Comparison between the Triassic sedimentary and magmatic rocks, and th
e contemporary extensive structures in the American and African margin
s of the central Atlantic shows that the rift was asymmetrical: the se
dimentary rocks are coarser and they were deposited earlier on the Ame
rican side than on the African one. Similarily, the thermal and magmat
ic activity, coeval with the extension, was more pronounced on the Afr
ican side of the future ocean. The assymmetrical rift developed as the
result of the simple shear along a detachment fault corresponding to
old, Alleghanian and Hercynian, thrusts. Several mechanisms of lithosp
heric thinning, following the Alleghanian continental collision, may h
ave triggered the motion along the detachment fault.