Efficient syntheses of pyrimidine and purine nucleosides and nucleotid
es with selective C-13 enrichment in the base moieties are described.
Uridine and cytidine are labeled at position C6 and adenosine and guan
osine are labeled at position C8. The selectively labeled nucleosides
were converted to nucleoside triphosphates and used with in vitro tran
scription to synthesize labeled RNA. Isotope-edited C-12 and C-13 sub-
spectra of a omega 1-1/2-X-filtered NOESY experiment are demonstrated
to be useful for making resonance assignments and for deriving structu
ral information in large (>20 nt) RNA molecules. The labeled RNAs also
allow heteronuclear J-couplings and relaxation parameters to be measu
red without complications from C-13-C-13 J-couplings.