The SOHO Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS/SOHO) is composed
of three reflecting telescopes with external and internal occultation
and a spectrometer assembly consisting of two toric grating spectromet
ers and a visible light polarimeter. The purpose of the UVCS instrumen
t is to provide a body of data that can be used to address a broad ran
ge of scientific questions regarding the nature of the solar corona an
d the generation of the solar wind. The primary scientific goals are t
he following: to locate and characterize the coronal source regions of
the solar wind, to identify and understand the dominant physical proc
esses that accelerate the solar wind, to understand how the coronal pl
asma is heated in solar wind acceleration regions, and to increase the
knowledge of coronal phenomena that control the physical properties o
f the solar wind as determined by in situ measurements. To progress to
ward these goals, the UVCS will perform ultraviolet spectroscopy and v
isible polarimetry to be combined with plasma diagnostic analysis tech
niques to provide detailed empirical descriptions of the extended sola
r corona from the coronal base to a heliocentric height of 12 solar ra