We studied a mother and daughter with skeletal dysplasia which was cha
racterized clinically by proximal and distal flexion contractures in t
he phalanges, and by brachydactyly, clinodactyly and ulnar and radial
subdislocations of the fingers. Radiologically, the 2nd metacarpal in
the daughter was seen to be longer than the other metacarpals, with bo
ne carpal fusion, and flexion contractures of the fingers in both hand
s. Thoraco-lumbar xyphorotoscoliosis and malformed vertebrae with dyss
egmentation of L2-L3, T12 and L1 with cuneiform shape, asymmetry of th
e pelvic bones and exostotic lesions in the proximal third of the tibi
a and the distal third of the femur were also noted. The clinical and
radiological characteristics were compatible with the syndrome describ
ed by Christian et al. in 1975 and called the second metatarsal syndro
me. The purpose of this paper was to present a second corroborative fa
milial case and to propose another name: Christian's spondylo-digital