The taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships of the fungal genus Fimeta
riella (Ascomycotina, Lasiosphaeriaceae) are discussed. A revised gene
ric description and key are presented. Descriptions and illustrations
are provided for all taxa. Fimetariella dunarum n.comb. and Fimetariel
la apotoma, Fimetariella brachycaulina, Fimetariella dolichopoda, Fime
tariella macromischa, Fimetariella microsperma, and Fimetariella tetra
spora n.spp. are proposed. A phialidic anamorph resembling Cladorrhinu
m is reported for E microsperma. The ascospores of the type species Fi
metariella rabenhorstii are considered to possess two terminal germ po
res, one large pore and one very small pore, along with several small,
apparently nonfunctional pores. A key to the genera with these minor
pores is included.