Limited sampling of Mytilus spp. in eastern Newfoundland has suggested
that M. trossulus Gould and M. edulis L. are distributed as pure popu
lations or mixtures of both species. In 1989 and 1990 we collected a w
ider series of samples of Mytilus spp. from 16 sites in eastern Newfou
ndland in order to determine the genetic structure based on four polym
orphic enzyme loci (Est, Pgm, Lap, Ap). Associations among loci (parti
cularly Pgm and Est), and a bimodal distribution of individual princip
al-component scores (based on four-locus genotypes) provided evidence
for the presence of both M. trossulus and M. edulis. Most of the sites
consisted of a mixture of the two species. The relative frequency of
each species in the samples varied on both a macro- and microgeographi
c scale. Two wave-exposed sites had the highest frequency (>90%) of M.
trossulus. The distribution of hybrid index scores, based on three pa
rtially diagnostic loci (Est, Pgm, Lap), provided no evidence for hybr