Corals within the scleractinian family Fungiidae were observed to move
toward light (positive phototaxis). Negative phototactic movement was
not observed in any of the specimens tested. On sandy substratum, Dia
seris distorta moved faster (max. speed of 3 cm h(-1)) than other spec
ies, Although D. distorta has symbiotic algae, phototactic movement al
so was observed both in bleached corals and in those treated with a sp
ecific inhibitor (dichlorophenyl dimethyl urea) of photosynthesis. D.
distorta was phototactic even on a glass plate, and climbed up a steep
slope (up to 30 degrees), Based on experiments with Fungia fungites a
nd D. distorta, soft tissues at the peripheral region of the disc seem
to be responsible for movement via peristalsis. It is suggested that
positive phototaxis in symbiont-bearing fungiid corals is an important
trait for selection of favorable habitats.