The sarcocysts reported from German hares (Witzmann) are described by
means of light and electron microscopy (Sarcocystis sp. 1). They have
no villar protrusions arising from the cyst wall. The bradyzoites are
small and squatly fusiform. A sarcocyst of a further species is descri
bed from a Polish hare (Sarcocystis sp. 2). It has stub-like villar pr
otrusions arising from the cyst wall, irregular in the outline, with v
ariedly shaped osmiophilic condensations in the core which are attende
d by large granules. Thus in the European hare one Sarcocystis species
was found in Germany and altogether 5 other species in Poland. Sarcoc
ystis cuniculorum nom. nov. is proposed as replacement name for S. cun
iculi Brumpt, 1913 nom. nud. Except this species the other 5 species f
rom the European hare do not seem to be species-specific for this inte
rmediate host.