ADVANCES in the theory of nonlinear differential equations and their s
tatistical representations have yielded a powerful, qualitatively desc
riptive yet quantitative language that captures characteristic pattern
s of behavior (what the psychoanalyst Roy Schafer calls ''continuity,
coherence, and consistency of action'') that has begun to influence st
udies of complex systems in motion as diverse in specifics as signator
y patterns of discharge of neurochemically defined single neurons and
the dynamical structures characteristic of a particular composer's mus
ic. What might be called personality theories of neurobiological dynam
ics have arisen to replace neurobiological theories of personality. It
is in this way that rigorously proven and powerful general mathematic
al insights have changed the face of determinism in research in brain
and behavior, Two examples: (1) Very complicated looking behavior of n
eurobiological forced-dissipative (expanding and contracting) systems
over time take place on low dimensional abstract surfaces on which onl
y a few underlying abstract parameters control the action. (2) Indepen
dent of specific details (chemical, electrical, and/or behavioral), th
ere exist a relatively few fundamental categories of behavior in time
and transitions, among them a property called universality. Results fr
om this new theoretical, in contrast with experimental, reductionism y
ield analogies with and new approaches to historically important dynam
ic ideas about personality and character patterns that are equally rel
evant to micro- and macrocomplex systems such as neural membrane recep
tor proteins and individual personality styles. Research findings achi
eved over the past decade and a half in our laboratory and others in n
eurochemistry, neurophysiology, and animal and human behavior, as well
as the results of a new demonstration experiment involving the predic
tion of dynamical category membership from abstract expressive motion
in humans, are used to exemplify this use of a quantitative dynamic ca
tegory theory across disciplinary levels in brain and behavior. Multip
le measures of complexity adapted from current research in the statist
ical properties of chaos on unobtrusively observed and reconstructed o
rbits on the computer screen made by non-premorbid subjects executing
content-free, computer-game-like tasks with a mouse, were used to reli
ably differentiate the ''signatures'' of two Axis II diagnoses as esta
blished using SCID-II criteria. Whereas the techniques of nonlinear sy
stems have achieved some success in quantifying and stimulating the dy
namical styles of relatively local phenomena such as the spontaneous b
ehavior of neuronal membrane conductances, single neurons, neural netw
orks, and field electrical events, we think that the real power of the
se techniques lies in their quantitative description and statistical p
rediction of global patterns of behavior of entire systems. For exampl
e, since the late 1970s our work has shown that these measures could b
e used to discriminate categories of drug action and dose when applied
to patterns of rat exploratory behavior in space and time. The combin
ation of abstract generality and quantitative precision of these metho
ds suggests their usefulness as a cross-disciplinary language for fiel
ds like psychiatry that deal with complicated behavior of both neurobi
ological elements and ''the whole person.''