There is currently a great deal of interest in the quantitative charac
terization of temporal and spatial vegetation patterns with remotely s
ensed data for the study of earth system science and global change. Sp
ectral models and indices are being developed to improve vegetation se
nsitivity by accounting for atmosphere and soil effects. The soil-adju
sted vegetation index (SAVI) was developed to minimize soil influences
on canopy spectra by incorporating a soil adjustment factor L into th
e denominator of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) equ
ation. For optimal adjustment of the soil effect, however, the L facto
r should vary inversely with the amount of vegetation present. A modif
ied SAVI (MSAVI) that replaces the constant L in the SAVI equation wit
h a variable L function is presented in this article. The L function m
ay be derived by induction or by using the product of the NDVI and wei
ghted difference vegetation index (WDVI). Results based on ground and
aircraft-measured cotton canopies are presented. The MSAVI is shown to
increase the dynamic range of the vegetation signal while further min
imizing the soil background influences, resulting in greater vegetatio
n sensitivity as defined by a ''vegetation signal'' to ''soil noise''