Optical polarization properties in quantum wires (QWIs) are theoretica
lly investigated as functions of wire crystallographic directions taki
ng the valence band anisotropy into account. Optical matrix elements a
nd gain spectra are calculated for GaAs cylindrical QWIs with infinite
barriers. It is shown that the optical matrix element for light polar
ized to the wire direction shows weak dependence on the wire crystallo
graphic direction. In contrast, the valence band anisotropy causes str
ong dependence on the wire direction for light polarized to the perpen
dicular directions, and large in-plane optical anisotropy appears for
[110]- and [112]-oriented QWIs. It is considered, from the calculated
results of the gain spectra, that a [111]-QWI laser shows the lowest t
hreshold current and that the [1, - 1,0]-QWIs on a (110) substrate are
the most suitable for polarization controlled vertical cavity surface
emitting lasers. These results indicate that the structural optimizat
ion from the viewpoint of the crystallographic direction is important
for optical devices using QWIs.