We analyzed the inheritance of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) species in ma
tings of the grass symbiont Epichloe typhina. Eighty progeny were anal
yzed from a cross in which the maternal (stromal) parent possessed thr
ee linear plasmids, designated Callan-a (7.5 kb), Aubonne-a (2.1 kb) a
nd Bergell (2.0 kb), and the paternal parent had one plasmid, Aubonne-
b (2.1 kb). Maternal transmission of all plasmids was observed in 76 p
rogeny; two progeny possessed Bergell and Callan-a, but had the matern
al Aubonne- a replaced with the related paternal plasmid Aubonne-b; tw
o progeny lacked Callan-a, but had the other two maternal plasmids. A
total of 34 progeny were analyzed from four other matings, including a
reciprocal pair, and in each progeny the plasmid transmission was mat
ernal. The inheritance of mitochondrial genomes in all progeny was ana
lyzed by profiles of restriction endonuclease-cleaved mtDNA. In most p
rogeny the profiles closely resembled those of the maternal parents, b
ut some progeny had nonparental mtDNA profiles that suggested recombin
ation of mitochondrial genomes. These results indicate that the fertil
ized stroma of E. typhina is initially heteroplasmic, permitting paren
tal mitochondria to fuse and their genomes to recombine.